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Video On Demand Class
Galettes and Gratins Cooking Class
Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall always brings an abundance of beautiful sun kissed berries or hearty veggies. Learn how to take seasonal bounty whether from your yard, farmers market or grocery store and turn it into a delicious vegetable gratin and tasty berry, pear apple galettes. You will also make savory galettes!

Video On Demand Class
The Art of Handmade Pasta
In this class we will teach you how to make homemade fettuccini noodle dough, colored pasta dough, and shaped pasta dough. To go with our handmade pasta we will also make two kinds of sauce. A roasted red tomato sauce and a no-cream sauce! This class is full of great tips including how to make a delicious bread topping with our roasted red tomato sauce.
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