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Galettes and Gratins Cooking Class

Video On Demand Class

Galettes and Gratins Cooking Class

Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall always brings an abundance of beautiful sun kissed berries or hearty veggies. Learn how to take seasonal bounty whether from your yard, farmers market or grocery store and turn it into a delicious vegetable gratin and tasty berry, pear apple galettes. You will also make savory galettes!

The Art of Pie Baking

Video On Demand Class

The Art of Pie Baking

Our master pie class if packed full of tips and tricks!Learn how to make the perfect flaky crust and get recipes for a number different crusts that can be used for sweet or savory pies. Not only will you learn to create savory pot pies, salted caramel apple pie and cherry pie but you will also create rustic and lattice crust tops. You will also make hand pies, and as a bonus, you will also learn how to take an epic fail and turn it into an epicurean delight! 

French Tarts

Video On Demand Class

French Tarts

Learn how to make strawberry preserve, pastry cream and pate sucre to create the perfect strawberry and blueberry French tart. Our French tarts class will teach all the ins and outs for the perfect dessert every time!

Recipes to try:

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